Video Library Update

Our Video & Webinar Library has recently been updated with many new additions.

First, Scott Berry presents, "The Design of Complex Adaptive Trials" at the recent conference co-sponsored by Berry Consultants, "Transforming Drug Development – Delivering Innovation and Efficiency through Adaptive Clinical Trials" in Bethesda, MD.

In the second, is an Educational Webinar Series of three new webinars.  Scott Berry and Roger Lewis join William Meurer of University of Michigan to create these webinars on "Adaptive Clinical Trials" for the Clinical & Translational Science Awards Consortium (CTSA).

Lastly, Don Berry describes in a webinar, "Challenges in Developing Drugs in the Modern Era of Cancer" the challenges brought by improved understanding of cancer biology and how new trial designs can efficiently address these developments bring.

To view these, as well as others, visit our Video & Webinar Library here


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