ADDPLAN Introductory Videos
ADDPLAN Introductory Videos
ADDPLAN® is a stand-alone software, using data to design, simulate, and analyse adaptive clinical trials with ease.
- Market leader for design, simulation and analysis of adaptive clinical trials
- Spans Phases I to IV
- Used by regulatory agencies (FDA, EMA and PMDA), top pharmaceuticals, medical device companies, and academia
- The first commercial software with implemented MCP-Mod dose finding approach, which has been endorsed by the US Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency.
Adaptive Design Perfected
ADDPLAN® is a fully validated, graphical user interface (GUI) based software. It functionality covers innovative study designs for all phases of clinical development.
ADDPLAN® is available in the following modules:
- ADDPLAN MC: Adaptive multiple comparison procedures
- ADDPLAN PE: Adaptive population enrichment designs
- ADDPLAN DF: Adaptive dose finding designs (including MCP-Mod) top pharmaceutical and medical device companies, as well as numerous leading academic researchers, are currently using ADDPLAN®.